Logic Done Well: Introduction
In this post, I introduce the series, "Logic Done Well," on valid forms of argumentation. Enjoy!
Speaking Truth to the Head and Heart
This is a blog meant to bolster the Church and advance the Kingdom of God through an apologetic focused on both the head and heart.
In this post, I introduce the series, "Logic Done Well," on valid forms of argumentation. Enjoy!
In this post, I review the "Barbie" movie and discuss its ideology from a Christian perspective. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the notion of cosmic reconciliation and suggest that cosmic reconciliation has a conceptual element. Enjoy!
Can Scripture be read philosophically? Should we read it philosophically? I explore the answer via a case study in John 20:24-29. Enjoy!
In this post, I share practical insights from my wife and I about building a strong marriage in Christ together. Enjoy!
In this post, I list and discuss my favorite books that I read for the first time in 2022. Enjoy!
In this post, I introduce the Straw Man fallacy, the result of objecting to a weaker version of someone's argument. Enjoy!
In this post, I consider whether the Savior had to be born as a way of meditating on its significance. Enjoy!
In this post, I examine whether critical race theory undermines the sufficiency of Scripture. If so, should evangelicals avoid it? Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the ultimate meaning of marriage from a Christian perspective...a week before my own wedding! Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, which utilizes an appeal to group membership in a fallacious way. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the concept of empathy with respect to what it means to love others from a Christian perspective. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the "Tu Quoque" fallacy and how hypocrisy is, most times, irrelevant to the truth of a person's claim. Enjoy!
In this post, I conclude my discussion of interpreting history through a Christian lens by bringing together the threads of the discussion.
In this post, I discuss the "problem" of God's involvement in history and whether this apparent problem can be solved. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the notion of finding a "meaning" or "significance" to history from a Christian perspective. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss how Christians should interpret history, focusing especially on history and human nature. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacy. Translated, that's "after this, therefore because of this." Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss a claim made by some Christians today, that we shouldn't worry about critical theory because it's political. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss a common fallacy that we see in politics, especially: the slippery slope.
Feel free to send me any messages with questions and comments on what you think of the blog, and thank you for your interest in Holistic Apologetics!