Why Critical Theory is Not (Merely) a Political Issue
In this post, I discuss a claim made by some Christians today, that we shouldn't worry about critical theory because it's political. Enjoy!
Speaking Truth to the Head and Heart
This is a blog meant to bolster the Church and advance the Kingdom of God through an apologetic focused on both the head and heart.
In this post, I discuss a claim made by some Christians today, that we shouldn't worry about critical theory because it's political. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss a common fallacy that we see in politics, especially: the slippery slope.
In this post, I cover some of the philosophical issues in the abortion debate and explain why they matter. Enjoy!
In this post, I list some of my favorite books I read for the first time in 2021. Enjoy!
In this short post, I share some thoughts on the mystery of the incarnation and what it tells us of the world that God made. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the false dichotomy, a kind of logical trap that argues falsely that there are only two options.
In this post, I discuss one of the most humorous logical fallacies: equivocation. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss begging the question or arguing in a circle. What happens when we assume what we try to prove? Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the red herring fallacy, which attempts to distract us from the argument or discussion at hand. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the argument against the person or "ad hominem" fallacy. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the bandwagon argument, a common informal logical fallacy. Enjoy!
In this post, I introduce a new series on logical fallacies called "Logic Gone Wrong." Enjoy!
In this post, I conclude this series on critical theory by discussing how addressing it is part of a holistic apologetic. Enjoy
Source: Wikipedia The image above is of a woman who is one of the most influential proponents of critical race theory: Kimberle Crenshaw....
Is the concept of objectivity just a cover for the oppression of subjugated groups? In this post, I evaluate that question. Enjoy!
In this post, I address the claim of critical theory that lived experience is more important than objective evidence. Enjoy!
In this post, I discuss the "moral" element of critical theory: that our primary moral obligation is freeing oppressed groups. Enjoy!
In this post, I consider the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus and how we can cultivate a Christian imagination.
In this post, I discuss whether we ought to see Cardi B as a feminist icon and why doing so is not good, particularly for women.
In this post, I discuss another element of critical theory: the claim that groups find solidarity in a common experience of oppression.
Feel free to send me any messages with questions and comments on what you think of the blog, and thank you for your interest in Holistic Apologetics!